The Extraordinary General Assembly of CASA JAPÓN took place on July 6, 2018, at the Auditorium of the Centro Artístico de Granada. The Mayor of the City of Granada, el Ilustrísimo Sr. Don Francisco Cuenca, welcomed this new partnership and pledged to find spaces where the goals and activities of CASA JAPÓN could be developed.

Last Updated: July, 2018 by Casa Japon Granada
Extraordinary General Assembly of CASA JAPON
The Extraordinary General Assembly of CASA JAPÓN took place on July 6, 2018, at the Auditorium of the Centro Artístico de Granada. The Mayor of the City of Granada, el Ilustrísimo Sr. Don Francisco Cuenca, welcomed this new partnership and pledged to find spaces where the goals and activities of CASA JAPÓN could be developed.
Category: News
III Festival Cultural CASA JAPON Granada 2020