Visit to the Japan – Spain Culture Center in the University of Salamanca
Out president, Mitsuo Tanikawa, visited on January’s 18, 2019, the Japan – Spain Culture Center in the University of Salamanca for the meeting with the director of the Center, Mr. José – Abel Flores Villarejo for the culture activities between Spain and Japan.
A la izquierda, el Director, José – Abel Flores Villarejo, y en el medio, la Secretaria General, Elena Santos Hernández.
Posted: January, 2019 by Jacinto Martínez Vico
Visit to the Japan – Spain Culture Center in the University of Salamanca
Out president, Mitsuo Tanikawa, visited on January’s 18, 2019, the Japan – Spain Culture Center in the University of Salamanca for the meeting with the director of the Center, Mr. José – Abel Flores Villarejo for the culture activities between Spain and Japan.
Category: News
III Festival Cultural CASA JAPON Granada 2020